Highlights Hidden Pictures
14:23 Let It Snow - Linda Weller
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc owl ccVc drum compound light+house sail+boat 2 - syllable...
15:25 Harvest Feast - Elizabeth Allyn
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc of Vccc elf's cV pie, shoe cVc ball, base, bat, bird, fish...
15:28 Good Clean Fun - Tim Davis
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: V eye Vc of cV high, shoe cVc bat, bell, cheese, comb, coat, m...
13:26 In the Pumpkin Patch - Kit Wray
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: cVc fish, mouse ccVc snake compound clothes+pin base+ball 2 - syl...
19:49 Playing Statues - Olivia Cole
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc egg, ice, of cV pie ccV fry cVc bar, bell, boat, fish, ha...
14:24 Night Campsite - Timothy Davis
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: cV shoe cVc boat, fish, hat, note, ring, sail cVcc heart, horn...
11:20 Circus Wagon - Valeri Gorbachev
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: cV key, tea cVc bell, car, cup, fish, hook, tooth cVcc belt, hand, ...
16:28 Crocodiles at the Pool - Arieh Zeldich
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc at cV the cVc cane, pool cVcc fork, heart ccVc flag compound ...
23:43 A Letter from Home - Olivia Cole
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: V a Vc of cV pie, tea cVc boat, book, cake, cheese, comb, cup, fis...
15:32 Cooling Off in Summer - Janet Robertson
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: V eye Vc in, off cVc cane, cool(ing), fish, moon, mug, sock cVcc h...
10:17 Springtime Fun - Unada Gliewe
" Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: cVc ball, base, cat, cup, duck, fun, pail, pot, seal, time ccVc tru...
17:34 Gently Down the Stream - Linda Weller
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc of cV pie, tea, the cVc base, bat, bell, cap, cup, down, fish, l...
16:34 Bunnies and Flowers - Patrick Coleman
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vcc and cV cow, boy cVc cap, hat, pin, rake, rope, comb, watch, coi...
18:26 Play Ball - Leslie Franz
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc of cVc ball, bird, boat, chick, fish, mouse, mush, room, sail, se...
16:24 Winter Fun - Linda Weatherly
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc of cV pie, shoe, toy cVc bone, cake, cap, cup, fish, fun, tooth, ...
28:86 Meet the Stars - Olivia Cole
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc of, ice cV hoe, shoe, tea, the, key cVc bag, ball, bar, bell, ...
18:37 The Race Is On! - Linda Weller
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc is, of, on cV pie, tea, the cVc bell, bird, boat, bowl, cup, fis...
15:34 Elephant Bath - Mij Colson-Barnum
"Please find..." according to relative linguistic complexity: Vc air cVc ball, bath, bird, cake, cup, dog, foot, lamb, moon, mush...
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