15:32 Cooling Off in Summer - Janet Robertson

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

V eye

Vc in, off

cVc cane, cool(ing), fish, moon, mug, sock

cVcc heart

ccVc brush, snake, star

compound eye+glasses

2-syllable ar•tist can•dle ca•rrot cre•sent fea•ther flow•er gla•sses nee•dle or•ange pen•cil pe•nnant su•mmer twee•zers

3-syllable boo•mer•ang

phrases crescent moon, artist's brush

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} candle, carrot, glasses
{.V02/i.} in, fish
{.V03/o.} off, sock
{.V04/u.} mug, brush, summer
{.V05/e.} pencil, pennant, crescent, crescent moon
{.V05/ea.} feather
{.V06/a_e.} cane, snake
{.V07/eye.} eye, eyeglasses
{.V08/o.} orange
{.V09/oo.} cool(ing), moon, boomerang
{.V10/ee.} needle, tweezers
{.V11/a.} artist, artist's brush, star
{.V11/ea.} heart
{.V12+C37/-le.} candle needle
{.V13/ow.} flower

15 Vowel Spellings
32 Vocabulary Words