14:23 Let It Snow - Linda Weller

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

Vc owl

ccVc drum

compound light+house  sail+boat

2-syllable can•dle i•ron la•dder nee•dle

3-syllable car•di•nal, fla•min•go

phrases golf, club, feathered hat

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} hat, candle, ladder
{.V03/o.} golf
{.V04/u.} mug, duck, club, drum
{.V04/a.} flamingo
{.V05/e.} bell
{.V05/ea.} feather, feather(ed) hat
{.V06/ai.} sail, sailboat
{.V07/igh.} light, lighthouse
{.V08/oa.} boat
{.V09/oo.} boot
{.V10/ee.} needle
{.V11/a.} cardinal
{.V13/ow.} owl
{.V13/ou_e.} house

14 Vowel Spellings
23 Vocabulary Words