16:34 Bunnies and Flowers - Patrick Coleman

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

Vcc and

cV cow, boy

cVc cap, hat, pin, rake, rope, comb, watch, coin, bird, shirt

cVcc wrist, jump, tent

ccVc drive, spoon, wheel

cccV screw

compound pin+wheel wrist+watch jump+rope screw+driver T+shirt cow+boy

2-syllable bu•nny flow•ers hu•mming pen•cil dri•ver

phrase cowboy hat

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} and, cap, hat
{.V02/i.} pin, pinwheel, wrist, wristwatch
{.V04/u.} bunny, bunn(-)(ies), jump, jump rope, humming, hummingbird
{.V05/e.} tent, pencil
{.V06/a_e.} rake
{.V07/i.} driver
{.V08/o_e.} rope
{.V08/o.} comb
{.V09/oo.} spoon
{.V09/ew.} screw, screwdriver
{.V10/ee.} wheel
{.V11/a.} watch
{.V13/ow.} cow, cowboy hat, flower(s)
{.V14/oy.} boy
{.V14/oi.} coin
{.V15/ir.} bird, T-shirt

16 Vowel Spellings
34 Vocabulary Words