11:20 Circus Wagon - Valeri Gorbachev

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

cV key, tea

cVc bell, car, cup, fish, hook, tooth

cVcc belt, hand, horn

ccVc brush, spoon

compound fish+hook hand+bell tea+cup tooth+brush

2-syllable cir•cus i•ron ha•mmer pe•nnant pen•cil squirr•el wa•gon

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} hand, handbell, hammer, wagon
{.V02/i.} fish, fishhook
{.V05/e.} belt, pennant, pencil
{.V07/i.} iron
{.V08/o.} horn
{.V09/oo.} spoon, tooth, toothbrush
{.V10/ea.} tea, teacup
{.V10/ey.} key
{.V11/a.} cars
{.V15/ir.} circus
{.V15/irr.} squirrel

11 Vowel Spellings
18 Vocabulary Words