16:24 Winter Fun - Linda Weatherly

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

Vc of

cV pie, shoe, toy

cVc bone, cake, cap, cup, fish, fun, tooth, top, wish, worm

cVcc heart, palm

ccV tree

ccVc brush, slice

compound wish+bone cup+cake tooth+brush

2-syllable ban•dage nee•dle win•ter

phrases palm tree, toy top, slice of pie

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} cap, bandage
{.V02/i.} fish, winter, wish, wishbone
{.V03/o.} top
{.V04/u.} cup, cupcake, fun
{.V04/o.} of
{.V06/a_e.} cake
{.V07/i_e.} slice
{.V07/ie.} pie
{.V08/o_e.} bone
{.V09/oe.} shoe
{.V09/oo.} tooth, toothbrush
{.V10/ee.} tree, needle
{.V11/a.} palm
{.V11/ea.} heart
{.V12+C37/-le.} needle
{.V14/oy.} toy
{.V15/or.} worm

16 Vowel Spellings
24 Vocabulary Words