17:34 Gently Down the Stream - Linda Weller

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

Vc of

cV pie, tea, the

cVc base, bat, bell, cap, cup, down, fish, light, note, tooth, ball

cVcc hand

ccVc brush, flash, slice, swan

cccVc stream

compound hand+bell flash+light base+ball tooth+brush tea+cup

2-syllable ca•noe can•dle gen•tly mu•ffin trow•el

3-syllable ce•ler•y mu•si•cal

phrases baseball bat, slice of pie, musical note

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} bat, cap, hand, flash, candle, handbell, flashlight
{.V02/i.} fish
{.V04/u.} cup, brush, muffin
{.V04/e.} the
{.V04/a.} canoe
{.V05/e.} bell, celery, gentle < gentl(-)(y)
{.V06/a_e.} base, baseball
{.V07/i_e.} slice
{.V07/ie.} pie
{.V07/igh.} light
{.V08/o_e.} note
{.V09/oo.} tooth, toothbrush
{.C39+V09/u.} music(al)
{.V10/ea.} tea, teacup, stream
{.V11/a.} ball, swan
{.V12+C37/-le.} candle gentle
{.V13/ow.} down, trowel

17 Vowel Spellings
34 Vocabulary Words