15:30 Animal Ice Hockey - Valeri Gorbachev

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

Vc ice

cV key, boy

cVc hat, fish, pot, bell, hair, hook, cow

cVcc hand, heart

ccVc clip, brush, spoon

compound hand+bell, fish+hook, coffee+pot, hair+brush

2-syllable a•rrow co•ffee ho•ckey ma•llet nee•dle pa•per pen•cil plun•ger sew•ing

3-syllable a•ni•mal

phrases paper clip, cowboy hat, sewing needle

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} arrow, animal, hat, hand, handbell, mallet
{.V02/i.} fish, fishhook, clip
{.V03/o.} coffeepot, hockey
{.V04/u.} brush, plunger
{.V05/e.} bell, pencil
{.V06/a.} paper, paperclip
{.V06/ai.} hair, hairbrush
{.V07/i_e.} ice
{.V08/ew.} sewing needle
{.V09/oo.} spoon
{.V10/ey.} key
{.V11/ea.} heart
{.V12/oo.} hook
{.V12+C37/-le.} needle
{.V13/ow.} cow, cowboy hat
{.V14/oy.} boy

15 Vowel Spellings
30 Vocabulary Words