"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:
Vc of
cVc dog, mug, nut, bell, head, nail,
light, dough, book, worm
cVcc bulb, heart
ccVc spool, thread
compound dough+nut
2-syllable bis•cuit fea•ther pi•zza re•cess
3-syllable bro•cco•li
phrases light bulb, dog biscuit, head of broccoli, spool of thread
"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:
{.V02/i.} biscuit
{.V03/o.} dog, dog biscuit, broccoli
{.V04/u.} mug, bulb
{.V04/o.} of
{.V05/e.} bell
{.V05/ea.} head, head of broccoli, thread, feather
{.V06/ai.} nail
{.V07/igh.} light, light bulb
{.V08/ough.} dough, doughnut
{.V09/oo.} spool, spool of thread
{.V10/e.} recess
{.V10/i.} pizza
{.V11/ea.} heart
{.V12/oo.} book
{.V15/or.} worm
15 Vowel Spellings
30 Vocabulary Words