according to relative linguistic complexity:
cVcc fox
2-syllable ar•tist ca•mel chi•cken flow•er pi•zza safe•ty trea•sure
phrases artist's brush, number 5, number 9, safety pin, slice of pizza, wedge of cheese
"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:
Vc of
cVc boat, cat, duck, five, nine, pin, pot, sail, tack
cVcc fox
ccVc brush, slice, spoon
compound flower+pot sail+boat
2-syllable ar•tist ca•mel chi•cken flow•er pi•zza safe•ty trea•sure
3-syllable sa•fa•ri te•le•scope
phrases artist's brush, number 5, number 9, safety pin, slice of pizza, wedge of cheese
"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:
{.V01/a.} cat, tack, camel
{.V02/i.} pin, chicken
{.V03/o.} pot, fox
{.V04/u.} duck, brush, number
{.V04/o.} of
{.V04/a.} safari
{.V05/e.} telescope
{.V05/ea.} treasure
{.V06/a.} safety, safety pin
{.V06/ai.} sail, sailboat
{.V07/i_e.} five, nine, slice, slice of pizza
{.V09/oo.} spoon
{.V10/i.} pizza
{.V11/a.} artist, artist's brush
{.V13/ow.} flower, flowerpot
15 Vowel Spellings
32 Vocabulary Words