21:45 At the Movies - Lynn Adams

"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:

Vc at, of

cV bee, the

cVc fish, dog, head, hair, sail, comb, boat, coat, tube, moon, mouse, bird

cVcc paint, paintbrush

ccV fly

ccVc brush

compound hair+brush sail+boat butter+fly dragon+fly

2-syllable ar•tist bu•tter ca•noe cre•scent dra•gon flow•er hang•er mo•vie twee•zers

phrases dog's head, crescent moon, coat hanger, tube of paint, artist's paintbrush

"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:

{.V01/a.} at, hanger, dragon, dragonfly
{.V02/i.} fish
{.V03/o.} dog, dog's head
{.V04/u.} brush, butter, butterfly
{.V04/e.} the
{.V04/a.} canoe
{.V04/o.} of
{.V05/e.} crescent, crescent moon
{.V05/ea.} head
{.V06/ai.} hair, hairbrush, sail, sailboat, paint, paintbrush
{.V07/y.} fly
{.V08/o.} comb
{.V08/oa.} boat, coat, coat hanger
{.V09/u_e.} tube, tube of paint
{.V09/o.} movie(s)
{.V09/oo.} moon
{.V10/ee.} bee, tweezers
{.V11/a.} artist, artist's paintbrush
{.V13/ow.} flower
{.V13/ou_e.} mouse
{.V15/ir.} bird

21 Vowel Spellings
45 Vocabulary Words

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