"Please find..."
according to relative linguistic complexity:
Vccc elves
cV tie
cVc cat, ring, duck, bell, neck, head, bird
cVcc cat's, golf,
ccVc club, glove, snail, spoon
ccVcc closed
2-syllable a•pple bu•sy can•dle hang•er sho•vel le•tter
3-syllable um•bre•lla
phrases cat's head, golf club, neck tie, closed umbrella, letter E
"Please find..." according to first Vowel {.Sound+Spellings.}:
{.V01/a.} apple, cat, cat's head, candle, hanger
{.V02/i.} ring
{.V02/u.} busy
{.V03/o.} golf, golf club
{.V04/u.} umbrella, duck, club
{.V04/o.} shovel
{.V04/o_e.} glove
{.V05/e.} bell, letter E, neck, neck tie
{.V05/e_e.} elves
{.V05/ea.} head
{.V06/ai.} snail
{.V07/i_e.} tie
{.V08/o_e.} closed, closed umbrella
{.V09/oo.} spoon
{.V15/ir.} bird
14 Vowel Spellings
30 Vocabulary Words